Last updated: October 2024

Cancellation Policy
We require at least 24 hours’ notice of any cancellation, otherwise you will be charged a $50 deposit to reschedule your next appointment. The $50 will go towards the treatment, unless appointment is cancelled within 24 hours again.

Never been to Aponi before?
For all new patients, we require a $100 deposit to make an appointment with a cosmetic injector or a $25 deposit for an appointment with an Aesthetician. The deposit will go towards the cost of your treatment either that day or your next scheduled appointment. If no treatment is desired after consultation, the deposit is for the providers’ time. If you miss the appointment, that $100 is not refundable.

History of Missed Appointments
If you have missed 2 appointments, without notice, we require a $100 non refundable deposit to schedule another appointment.

Longer Appointments
For some appointments that are 2 hours or longer, we may ask for a deposit to hold that amount of time with a provider.

We appreciate your attention to our policies to keep our practice running smoothly and efficiently!

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