As we say goodbye to summer and hello to fall, it’s the perfect time to address the signs of damage accrued throughout the summer. The negative impact from the environment and the sun’s rays can cause the complexion to become patchy and dehydrated. Post summer peels assist in the repair of this damage and help protect the skin from further damage in the upcoming months.
Chemicals peels are an ideal solution because they are designed to peel the top layers of the epidermis and in some cases the dermis. The process dissolves the bonds that hold the cells together, which expedite the exfoliation process. Texture irregularities, pigment concerns and clogged pores can all be drastically improved with post summer peels.
When a patient’s risk of sun damage decreases after the summer and tissue is closer to its natural tone, we can adjust the depth of a peel via increased percentages of active ingredients, or by “stacking” one to two additional passes of these ingredients during the application process. It is vital that the new, healthy skin that is unveiled is properly protected with a broad-spectrum sunscreen year round.
It is essential to continue skincare treatments throughout the fall and winter. Many suffer from dryness due to the decrease in the natural exfoliation process and the skin’s exposure to moisture-binding molecules within the dermis that regulate the skin’s moisture level. This can result in a dull, dry appearance in both tone and texture. Chemical peels offer an effective, simple solution for exfoliation and stimulation of the dead skin cells.
When determining which peel is most appropriate, various factors should be considered including the patient’s skin type, skin sensitivities, peel ingredients, potential peel penetration, and any external influences over the healing process. The majority of aesthetic practices offer mild to moderate peels formulated with ingredients that enhance the skin’s clarity, color and tone. Peel ingredients may include trichloroacetic acid, resorcinol, Jessner’s solution, or a blend of alpha and beta hydroxy acids, including glycolic, lactic, mandelic and salicylic acid.
It is recommended to find a physicians practice that offers medical grade peels that are of the highest quality ingredients that will provide the most effective results.