Destroy stubborn fat cells
Submental fat reduction or “double chin”
According to a 2014 survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS), 68% of people said they are bothered by submental fullness.* Therefore, Dr. Jenny and her staff of injectors use a product called deoxycholic acid to non-surgically treat submental fullness, otherwise known as “double chin.”

How is deoxycholic acid used?
With a series of injections, excess fat can be dissolved from under the chin/neck, resulting in a permanent, more youthful facial profile. Depending on your goals, we also offer laser fat reduction with the BodySculp device, a non invasive option for fat reduction and skin tightening under the chin.
While deoxycholic acid was originally introduced as a way to address unwanted fat around the chin area and create a more sculpted jawline, its applications have expanded into other parts of the body over the years. It helps deal with stubborn problem areas by putting the deoxycholic acid into the fat cells, keeping those cells from being able to store fat and leading to a tighter, more sculpted appearance. These areas include the back of thighs, “bra fat”, above the knees, midsection, etc. A series of treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired goals.
If you’ve put in the work of sticking to a healthy eating plan and exercising regularly but still aren’t happy with your results, deoxycholic acid injection treatments can help you spot reduce areas that are still carrying a little extra pudge.