Exfoliation plays a critical role in the appearance of our skin, especially as we get older. During the exfoliation process the lower layers of the skin create new cells that migrate to the surface as the old cells sloth off. The new skin cells give a fresh, healthy glow to your face. This naturally occurring process happens more frequently when we are younger resulting in consistent radiant skin. However, as we age this process slows down and it can take an estimated 30 days for the exfoliation process to run it’s course. This can lead to dull, dry and rough looking skin. This can also accentuate the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.
Medical in office treatments can speed up the process of cell turnover utilizing mechanical exfoliation such as microdermabrasion or chemical exfoliation such as enzymes or acids. Fall is the perfect time of year to consider a chemical form of exfoliation. For a light exfoliation, something like a pumpkin enzyme exfoliation treatment helps to exfoliate the summer sun’s damage; plus the smell of pumpkin and orange is amazing! Pumpkin enzymes are packed with antioxidants such Vitamin A and Vitamin C that are known to reduce blemishes, exfoliate dead skin and brighten the skin. This treatment also contains 11% L-Lactic acid and sugar cane to improve the appearance of wrinkles and to soften the skin. The combination of these ingredients work in synergy with each other to deliver a fresh, glowing complexion. For a more deeper, more aggressive exfoliation, stronger acids are available such as the ones available from VI Peel and Skin Medica.
Below are the top 6 ways exfoliation treatments benefit the skin:
1.) Removes dead skin cells and promote the growth of new cells.
2.) Prepares the skin to absorb other skin care products such as retinols and vitamins more effectively.
3.) Exposes hair follicles which reduces ingrown hairs and allows for a closer shave.
4.) Boosts blood circulation and lymph flow.
5.) Reduces fine lines and wrinkles.
6.) Brightens the appearance of dull, pigmented skin.
As much as your skin needs nourishment, it also requires exfoliation to eliminate dead skin cells and to make way for the new skin.